Tuesday, November 17, 2009

WP3: Pre Write 1

Art can come in many different forms. Whether it be a painting, a drawing, a sculpture, a dance, a song, a picture, or a play. Each one has its own design and format but they all are classified as art and express something. I have had years of experience with the art of dance and a little bit of experience with some of the others, but sculptures are not an art I am familiar working with. Recently, I feel like I have experienced sculptures the most from walking around campus. There are many different ones placed all over UNL and they each are different and hold a different story. Many times they are open for interpretation to each individual audience member, or passerby.

Besides the UNL sculptures, I just haven't really been exposed to any much before. I feel like besides seeing them in big cities, I just haven't been surrounded by them much before. I don't think this should be a huge issue with our next project, except that I might need to study up on the crucial points of a sculpture in terms of the differences between them and other pieces of art.

I never took an art class in high school, so my last experiences related to that were from elementary and middle school. I am anxious to work on this project as it again is something new. My roommate is an art major so I have witnessed her art projects but she is working with the more common art types of drawings and crafting. I think once I combine analyzing my sculpture, studying some historical background, and researching sculptures as an art in general, I will have a good grasp for this missing part of art in my life. It will be interesting to compare it to all the other forms once I am more knowledgeable and have done some work with sculptures.

I think we will all benefit from when we took the time in class earlier this year to analyze the Breech sculpture. Since we all experienced that, we are all at least at the same level if not higher with sculpture art. I am planning on applying that same experience to analyzing my given sculpture.

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