Monday, November 2, 2009

WP2: Statement of Purpose

Why do we read comics? They might be day brighteners to some, may be a comic relief to others, or they could really serve no clear purpose to others. In most cases, the comics are written about a subject that we can relate to, but we relate to it on a different level when reading it in a comic rather than another source. For example, political comics are at times really harsh, or make a lot of fun at a certain political figure. Somehow though, when reading the truth through a comic it is found funny.

This comic pokes at the war in Iraq and the comic of it all is pointed towards Bush. I think political comics are the most risky types of comics, but in the end they serve a clear purpose to many people.

With the comic I chose for my 2nd writing project, the argument is quite clear. It is proving that exercise has gotten pushed to the bottom of people to do lists these days, and it is expressing the scare in doing so. The comic is arguing that if you don't work out one hour a day, you will be heading towards death sooner than those that do take the time to work out daily. It is hard with our busy lives these days to find time to fit that in and it is easily eliminated from peoples schedules. Why do we have to pick that to eliminate though? It has been found that teens spend 31 hours a week on the computer. Would it be so hard to eliminate 7 of those hours and devote them towards working out? The comic expresses that it is. After you hit 30 years old, you make the decision of either working to maintain a healthy life, or slowly becoming weaker. You decide which path you take based on whether you exercise of not.

The comic is showing that it is an older man at the doctor who is obviously not in tip top shape. I think the comic is a pure image of the fact that you have two decisions. You either follow the doctors instruction to work out an hour a day and maintain a healthy life, or you listen to his alternative of being dead and you don't work out everyday. The way this comic is formed makes it seem like it is such an easy decision. It makes it seem like it should be a piece of cake to find an hour a day to work out, but many would argue otherwise. We all have things we would much rather be doing than clear our day to exercise.
The main comic basically states the obvious. We all know that we need to work out in order to be healthy, but when reading this in a comic, we somehow connect to it more. Its purpose is farther than you would expect a comic to be. It is giving off a crucial life lesson in a funny manner.