Thursday, September 10, 2009

Blog #3

When you think of a love story or a cute movie, I think most people would picture a handsome boy and a gorgeous girl, right? Well in this video, Fallin' for You by Colbie Caillat it is not what you'd think it would be. Colbie plays the role of the cute girl that is realizing that she is falling in love with a guy. As you listen to the song, you can't help but picture some hottie. But then you watch the video, and its totally opposite of what you expected. The guy is actually a heavier, weirder guy that is just against the so called "norm".

By observing this difference, we can tie it in to our book with social context of the video. Social context in our text is defined as 'everything that has happened in the world that leads up to your occasion to speak, as well as everything you and your audience anticipate will come after.' We are accustomed to the Barbie and Ken or Cinderella and her prince love stories, therefore that is what we usually picture when hearing a song or reading a book. When we find that it is something different, that is reaching out to a new level of context.

I can’t say I’m exactly sure why Colbie chose to do this, but I commend her. I think it proves a point to younger girls that probably watch this video, that to each its own. Whoever or whatever makes you happy is what matters. That is a deep dive into the social context topic. Per the definition from our text, Colbie technically didn’t know what the audience would think after viewing the clip, but I don’t think that she went wrong by taking this step. I don’t think people would view what she did in a bad way at all, for it teaches a good lesson.

The song is actually super cute in itself. Although the video is not what I expected, I still love the song. She really speaks on a topic that many, if not all of her listeners can relate to. She just puts a little twist on the video that makes us view the social context from a different view.