Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Pre Writing #2

When we wake up in the morning, most of us probably think about what all we have to do for the day and sort of make up a plan in our minds. It usually involves things like go to class, eat, study, sleep, workout, do homework, hang out with friends, you know things along those lines. But what we realize as we go through our days is that we just don't have time to do it all. Then the problem becomes, what do I eliminate? The most logical thing would first be hanging out with friends. Then as college students, we might have to give up our naps. But almost always, people will quickly be fine with eliminating working out right away which is not the right option at all. So many of us spend at least an hour or more on facebook or watching tv during the day. But yet we say we don't have an hour to go work out? I am a failure at this issue as well so I was able to relate to this comic very easily.

The comic is trying to express the importance of working out even just for an hour everyday. It is putting it into perspective by loosely saying that if you don't, you will die. It is moreover saying that if you work out everyday for an hour, you will be living a healthy life and doing good for your body. But again, most of us feel like we don't have an hour. We think, ok if I give up an hour of studying then I'm going to do bad on my test. But really, you would gain more energy and positive vibes to help you finish your studying if you went and worked out. For most people, the problem is that they don't have that hour of workout time in their daily schedule and it takes awhile for them to fit it in and get used to it. The LA Times stated that you must do an hour work out for 5 days out of a week in order to lose weight. Experts have found that those that have lost weight and kept it off have been sticking to that plan.

This comic was written by Randy Glasbergen. He began his work with comics when he was 15 years old. He then created work for Hallmark and continued his work as a freelance cartoonist. He tends to specialize in 1 panel cartoons on a variety of different subjects. He tends to have a theme through his work of people that look quite alike. They have heavier set body types which makes for some really funny comics about issues these days. Below is another comic by Glasbergen. He has a bunch on diet and exercise.

The fact that the caption of these comics are being read in a "comic sense" is way different than if they were stated on the news or if someone just said this to your face. You are able to take it humorously yet you know it is true. People will probably be more willing to take the advice or follow through with working out after reading this and realizing that it is important.

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