Thursday, September 3, 2009

Blog Post 2: Web 2.0 Video

After viewing this video, I was driven towards some realizations. Although everyone would admit that the internet has taken over, Michael Welsch proved it and showed some reasons why that is the case.

One of the first things to catch my attention while viewing the clip was the music. I think it was properly fit with the context. It was a fast moving, updated choice that flowed with the movement of writing being expressed. When thinking to relate this clip to our text, Compose Design Advocate, the word purpose comes up. I feel like this video reiterated what we already knew but took it to an intellectual level. Speaking for others through myself, I obviously am aware that internet, computers, and technology have taken over our paper and pencil lives, but I scratched down a lot of different thoughts while watching this video thinking about why its done that and how. That is how the video affected me, being the audience while I viewed it. One thing I have realized from facebook and texting, is that we have become impatient people. Teens especially get antsy waiting for a reply or a response from anything. We are used to people texting us back or getting instant chats back, that when we have to wait for something, it's difficult! 16.7 hours a week is the average amount of time a teenager is on the internet. In some cases, the internet becomes a reason for procrastination. Many students, including myself, will find themselves at their computers to start a paper and end up on facebook for awhile instead of starting. Good news though is that we are skilled at typing fast which helps when rushing to finish the paper.

A major topic we've been discussing with our blogging and in class discussions after reading the text is the worry that our personality will be lost from this form of communication. But in the video clip, there was a scene that showed the words: Blogging...Hello World! Also the video displayed, "We are the web.". We, the people, are the ones creating the internet and the web through our blogs and other sites. We can make it what we want and it will represent us. Same with our blogging. The words I'm choosing to type and the items I'm choosing to link, represent me.

Another quote from the clip that stuck out to me was, "Doesn't define the form, defines the content." I'm not sure in the clip what it was referring to, but I think of it as WE don't define the form, because everyone is typing in the same blog format and about the same thing, but we define the content. We pick which direction we want to take our responses and we say what we want to represent our thinking.

Internet has obviously changed our world in many ways, but I feel that we are headed in the right direction and it has and will continue to change things for the better!

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