Monday, September 21, 2009

7th Blog Post

I can't say that I know that much about photography. That doesn't mean I don't like it or that I'm not a fan of it, I just haven't had the opportunity or taken the time to become interested in learning about it. I personally enjoy looking at pictures a lot! Whether it be an artistic photograph or just a picture of me and my friends. One thing about photography though is that I think you can take an image and make it mean whatever you want to yourself regardless of what the artist was trying to portray.

One aspect of photography is the art of being the photographer. I envy people that are really good at this and take the artistic pictures. They know what objects to capture and often do it with very interesting subjects but in the end it is a great photograph. Photographers that do this have to understand the importance of lighting and spacing and obviously how to work the camera. They are specialized in that they can usually make an object turn into an artistic photograph. A gift I once received was a frame of my name being spelled out by different photos. It is so creative and I think it would be fun to go around finding the objects that make up the letters that are turned into names or words. I know that the photographer that did mine doesn't go around looking specifically for the letters, but rather just takes pictures and then turns them into something after studying it.

Although I don't have much experience with photography, I still am able to capture moments just as well. I take a lot of pictures when I'm hanging out with my friends. Working my camera isn't difficult like I presume a fancy photographers camera is. The only knowledge I have to have to use it is when to turn the flash off (although it is on auto flash) and being able to center the subjects I am taking the picture of. These pictures will in the end mean a lot to me, just like artistic photos mean a lot to other people. They each hold their own importance in peoples lives. One thing about photography that I love is the black and white option. Some pictures just look better that way!

As far as our upcoming work with photography goes, I am a bit apprehensive to say that I am confident in working with photography. Since I don't have that much knowledge with it, I am hoping that I will be able to gain more as we go along and develop more of a deeper understanding for photography.

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