Monday, September 14, 2009

5th Blog Post

When looking at the video uploaded in the previous blog through the viewpoint of our text, Compose Advocate and Design, there are three rhetorical designs we focus in on. They are ethos, pathos and logos.

The book defines ethos as 'what your audience sees in you.' Like discussed in the last blog post, different video viewers will think different things, which is the case in any video. But with this one and connecting ethos, it is critical on what people will think of Colbie Cailat, the artist rather than the video itself. It is looking past the video and more at the why she made the video like she did. They can either agree with her idea of using a guy like she did that isn't the typical Ken doll figure or they can disagree with her idea of switching it up. No matter what, there will be some people that feel one way and some that feel the other.

Logos in our text is defined as 'the reason and structure in arguments.' The connection to the Fallin' For You video is thinking about why Colbie chose to use the guy she did. What is the reason for going against the norm and picking a new face? Without having an explanation from Colbie as to why she did that, we can't officially know. The logos of it all is that we have to decide for ourselves why she did it. Having that be the case, misinterpreted reasons will be made. That's a for sure thing. Colbie takes the risk of making the video knowing that from the beginning. To me, that shows that she really doesn't care what people think of her or if they judge her in the wrong way. While talking about all of this we should remember that people might not even have a problem with what Colbie did with her video, because personally I don't find it an issue at all. I just noted that it was a difference in the normal videos or ideas we think about today.

The final rhetorical design is pathos. Pathos is defined as 'how your audience feels about what you're doing.' Some people could feel she is making fun of guys like the type in the video. The opening scene of the video helps set the tone for what is going to be happening in the video because Colbie is on the phone with a friend and she explains that the boy is something new and different.

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